Tuesday 22 October 2013


  • The reader thinks that they are getting more then the bargained for (more then just a magazine) persuades them to buy it.
Cover lines 
  • Family's might read this and can relate.
  • Buggy a battles is a attractive slogan and mums will read this knowing and relaying on their opinion on the best buggy. Giving mother support.
  • Tough love also giving mothers advice and hints on how to discipline there children and how to help them. Family's want this advice to see how other people teach their child manners and to behave.
Highlighted (top left)
  • The key term essential is highlighted to make it more appealing to the audience and it expresses the fact it's a top quality magazine . It also connotes that it is a must have and that "everyone" buys its so why should you be different.
  • The big bold boo in capitals shows us that the magazine is getting into seasons with Halloween. Most families get very excited about such an even so buying a magazine which is involving it is much more appeal. The bright orange yellow colour makes it stand out and attract attention.
Bold eye catching 
  • The title rascals is in playful kids writing maybe to show that this is how your child might write .some of the letters are backwards and cute this appeals to the person who takes a quick glimpse at it in the shop.
The child
  • The cover of the magazine is filled with a blown up airbrushed little girl. This picture of the small child promotes the article in order for mothers to buy this magazine. The girl is making direct eye contact at the camera as if she is looking straight at you pleading you do buy the mag.  The girl sweet and very cute mother might want there child to look like this and by the mag to see if they have any tips or hints. The cuddly blanket which the little girl is holding connotes that she is rather young or maybe very tired and in need of comfort by something she loves. The floral dress she is wearing connotes fashion and that the mag has a lot to do with child fashion. So for young mother in the know this is very exciting for them.
  • The colours that are used in the back ground are pale this is so it gives of a sophisticated look and so that the rest of the magazine can clearly stand out. The yellow colour which is used makes me feel calm and think of nice thing (others may disagree) yellow is seen as a child like colour and it gives of innocence unlike black or green. 

Thursday 3 October 2013

My advertisement for J2O.
The cute kitten in the picture tells us that J2O is irresistible.
The slogan "don't let em' get their paws on it" also represent the temptation 
To grab a juicy bottle immediately!